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Jessica Jimenez


Updated: Apr 25, 2024

dog walking with owner on leash

So many organizations dedicate a month, a week, or any amount of time to a worthy causes. January is home to many of these, including National Blood Donor Month, Mental Wellness Month and Poverty Awareness Month. Here at New life K9s, we are dog centric, and today we are talking about a month dedicated to awareness for our furry friends. January is National Train your Dog Month. 


What is National train your food month and why is it important?

National Train your Dog Month is celebrated annually in, of course, January. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of canine training. National Train Your Dog Month also shares the positive impact training has on the bond between dogs and their owners.  

This initiative encourages dog owners to invest both time and effort in teaching their furry friends essential commands, socialization skills, and good behavior. On top of encouraging owners to train their pups, it also aims to educate people on dog training and many of the misconceptions surrounding training. National Train Your Dog Month emphasizes positive reinforcement training while also fostering a deeper understanding of your pet's wants and needs. 

By promoting responsible pet ownership and effective training methods, National Train Your Dog Month seeks to create happier, healthier relationships between humans and their canine companions. Whether you're embarking on basic obedience training or addressing specific issues, January becomes a perfect time for dog owners to invest in the development of their four-legged friends.


Celebrating this awareness month can be done by dedicating some time and effort to train your pup. Whether you need to potty train or simply brush up on some simple commands, there is always something to teach your pup.


There resources to get you started, but here are some suggestions to celebrate:

  • Teach your dog a new trick

  • Reserve time to walk or play

  • Look for puppy friendly events in your area

  • Volunteer at your favorite dog organization


You can also read this New Life K9s article on training tips to get you started.

Why is training your pup important?

Training it not only gives your pets a strong sense of discipline and house training, but it also helps to strengthen the bond between man and canine. You’ll never regret getting to know your dog on a much deeper level. 


Final Thoughts 

As a nonprofit organization who uses the power of the human-canine bond to help veterans and first-responders with life saving service animals, training is a huge part of what we do. 

We encourage you to spend time with your dog to strengthen your bond and celebrate the special canines in our lives. Whether you've mastered basic commands or tackled more complex tricks, the commitment to training is necessary for both owner and dog. 

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